Supporting Ministry Leaders in Growth and Discipleship

The Trellis Group provides a framework upon which the vine of faith and ministry can flourish. Just as a trellis provides essential structure, stability, and support for a growing vine, we are dedicated to equipping and encouraging church planters, revitalizers, and existing churches in their vital mission.

Our mission is to cultivate vibrant communities of faith by fostering cultures of discipleship. 

Just as a trellis nurtures the growth of healthy vines, we come alongside leaders and churches, providing the guidance, resources, and care needed to see spiritual growth and fruitful ministry thrive. With The Trellis Group, your ministry journey has a solid framework it needs to reach your world bear abundant fruit.

We do that through a biblically principle-based process of discipleship that will help you grow in your relationship with God and equip you to build a culture of discipleship. We use process is called Go Disciple that our Executive Director developed over a decade ago. Hundreds of lives have been transformed, encouraged, and equipped. We want to help you live a life of joy, purpose, fulfillment, and spiritual fruit in the lives of others.

Let’s talk!